Meal Planning and Nutritional Assessment

100 $

Intermediate Level
Unlimited Access
Accredited Certificates

Course Overview

Fundamentals of nutrition, definitions, and calorie estimates are just a few of the subjects covered in the course. Diet guidelines to well-known diets such as the Mediterranean Diet, My Plate, and Dash Diet will be examined. In order to improve practical comprehension and application, the course also focuses on nutrition assessment, exchange lists, obesity, detecting incorrect diets, learning how to develop individualized meal plans for patients, and evaluating real-world case studies.


What you'll learn

  • Concepts of therapeutic clinical nutrition.
  • Calculating calories and keeping a diet in balance.
  • Examine ideas such as energy balance and a nutritious diet to keep your weight in check.
  • How to evaluate each person's dietary requirements according to several criteria.
  •  How to realistically make unique and customizable diet meal plans.
  • How to make smart eating choices and build lifetime healthy habits.
  •  Real case studies. 
  •  أسياسيات ومبادئ التغذية العلاجية. حساب السعرات الحرارية واتباع نظام غذائي متوازن. ما هو توازن الطاقة والتغذية الصحية لإدارة وزن مثالي وصحي. طرق تقييم تغذية صحية الأفراد بناءً على عوامل مختلفة مثل الجنس والعمر وغيرها. كيف تضع خطة غذائية تفصيلية و أنظمة دايت مخصصة للأفراد حسب احتياجاتهم الغذائية بطريقة عملية. كيف تطور أسلوب حياة صحي وعادات غذائية لاتخاذ قرارات غذائية سليمة. دراسة حالات عملية.

Course Requirements

  • Willing to learn․
  • Passion for helping people maintaining a healthy lifestyle without Suffering․

Content "Meal Planning and Nutritional Assessment" (2H:00Min)

Lecture Title Watch
1. Course Overview images   4:51
2. Nutrition Basics   7:17
3. Nutrition Definitions   2:56
4. Calculations of Calories   5:11
5. Nutrition Instructions (My Plate)   4:38
6. Nutrition Instructions (Mediterranean Diet)   4:48
7. Nutrition Instructions (Dash Diet)   5:16
8. Exchange List - Part 1   11:53
9. Exchange List - Part 2   8:02
10. Nutrition Assessment - Part 1   10:01
11. Nutrition Assessment - Part 2   8:07
12. Obesity   6:23
13. Wrong Diet   8:02
14. Case Study 1 images   19:01
15. Case Study 2 images   9:49
Course Exam
Course Certificate
Meal Planning.pdf download

Course Details

Take a course on meal planning and nutrition assessment to explore an entire realm of information and skill. This course provides insightful academic information on diet and nutrition, in response to the increasing need for dietary expertise.

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